What OutDated.Software does and how to install it:
The files with the version numbers of the software or modules or applications are read from the specified path.
The list of version files is compiled based on the software modules used when the program starts.
Depending on the strength of the server and the number of files, with 1.2TB it takes approx. 4 to 11 minutes until the result is available.
The version files found are then checked by the ODS based on the current version numbers of the installed software to determine whether the version is current or outdated.
The installation path, the software name, the current and outdated versions of the software found are then displayed:
Multilingual capable. However, there are currently only DE and EN to choose from.
However, the language files can easily be translated and then used.
1. Simply
download the archive from ods with e.g. wget:
mkdir /usr/src/ods/
cd /usr/src/ods/
Download to the server and unpack in the directory:
tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz
If desired, compare the file hash:
md5sum latest.tar.gz
namely with
2. Customize
config.inc.php with the license key from your
$configs['key'] = 'xxx';
further adjustments according to your wishes:
debug output,
3. Start the program and check directories:
./check.php /path/
Or over http:
top of the page
4images (V1.x), Awstats (V7.x), Bbpress (V2.x), Beez20, Beez5, Bigace2 (V2.x), Bigtreecms (V4.x), Bigtreecms42 (V4.x), Bugzilla (V5.x), Cakephp (V5.x), Chamilo-lms (V2.x), Cmsimple (V5.x), Cmsmadesimple (V2.x), Concrete5 (V9.x), Concrete9 (V9.x), Contao2.11, Contao3, Contao41, Contenido3 (V4.x), Contenido4 (V4.x), Coppermine (V1.x), Dokuwiki (V2.x), Dolibarr-erm (V2.x), Drupal (V8.x), Drupal9 (V9.x), E107 (V2.x), Flow3 (V8.x), Fluxbb, Flyspray (V1.x), Forkcms (V5.x), Formtools3 (V3.x), Foswiki (V2.x), Gallery3 (V3.x), Gambio (V4.x), Gsales (V3.x), Horizonqcsm4, Horizonqcsm5, Jenkins2 (V2.x), Joomla-akeeba-backup (V9.x), Joomla-bluestork, Joomla-jce (V2.x), Joomla-jdownloads (V4.x), Joomla-modfeed (V3.x), Joomla-virtuemart (V4.x), Joomla1.0 (V5.x), Joomla1.5 (V5.x), Joomla1.6 (V5.x), Joomla1.7 (V5.x), Joomla2 (V5.x), Joomla5 (V5.x), Kanboard (V1.x), Linpha (V1.x), Livezilla, Luxcal (V5.x), Magento, Magento2, Magento2.4, Mantis (V2.x), Mautic (V5.x), Mediawiki (V1.x), Mnogosearch, Modx2revolution (V3.x), Modxevolution (V3.x), Moodle (V4.x), Moregroupware, Mybb (V1.x), Myphpguestbook, Nextcloud29 (V2.x), Nextcloud2x (V2.x), Nucleusblog (V3.x), Nucleusblog-old (V3.x), Opencart (V4.x), Openrealestate (V1.x), Openx, Oscommerce (V6.x), Oscommerce4 (V4.x), Osticket (V1.x), Otrs (V6.x), Owncloud-openidconnect (V2.x), Owncloud-openotp_auth (V1.x), Owncloud6 (V1.x), Owncloud78910 (V1.x), Oxidshop (V6.x), Oxidshop6 (V8.x), Oxidshop7 (V7.x), Pbboard, Phpalbum, Phpbb3 (V3.x), Phpcms, Phpfusion9 (V9.x), Phplist (V3.x), Phpmyadmin (V5.x), Phpmyfaq (V4.x), Phpnuke, Phprojekt, Phpshell (V2.x), Phpthumb (V1.x), Phpwcms (V1.x), Phpwiki (V1.x), Piwigo (V1.x), Piwik (V5.x), Playsms (V1.x), Pmwiki (V2.x), Pragmamx (V2.x), Prestashop (V8.x), Prestashop8 (V8.x), Processwire (V3.x), Pydio-ajaxplorer (V2.x), Pyrocms2 (V3.x), Pyrocms3 (V3.x), Razorcms, Redaxo (V5.x), Redaxo5 (V5.x), Requesttracker (V5.x), Revive-adserver (V5.x), Roundcube (V1.x), Serendipity (V2.x), Shopware5 (V5.x), Shopware57 (V5.x), Shopware6 (V6.x), Smf (V2.x), Squirrelmail (V1.x), Sugarcrm, Suitecrm7 (V7.x), Suitecrm8 (V8.x), Symfony (V7.x), Textpattern2 (V4.x), Thumb (V2.x), Tikiwiki (V2.x), Timthumb (V2.x), Typo3 (V1.x), Typo3.10 (V1.x), Typo3.11 (V1.x), Typo3.13 (V1.x), Typo3.6 (V9.x), Typo3.7 (V9.x), Typo3.8 (V9.x), Typo3.9 (V9.x), Vanilla (V2.x), Vanilla-old (V2.x), Vtiger8 (V8.x), Wackowiki (V6.x), Webatall, Webcalendar, Webedition6 (V9.x), Websitebaker (V2.x), Webspell (V4.x), Webtrees2 (V2.x), Wordpress (V6.x), Wordpress-advanced-custom-fields (V6.x), Wordpress-akismet (V5.x), Wordpress-all-in-one-seo-pack (V4.x), Wordpress-beautiful-cookie-consent-banner (V4.x), Wordpress-better-wp-security (V9.x), Wordpress-contact-form7 (V6.x), Wordpress-countperday (V3.x), Wordpress-disqus (V3.x), Wordpress-download-manager (V3.x), Wordpress-fancybox-for-wordpress (V3.x), Wordpress-global-flash-gallerie, Wordpress-issuu-panel (V2.x), Wordpress-jetpack (V1.x), Wordpress-mailchimp-subscribe-sm (V4.x), Wordpress-mobile-detector, Wordpress-nextgen-gallery (V3.x), Wordpress-podlove-publisher (V4.x), Wordpress-polls (V2.x), Wordpress-revelution-slider (V6.x), Wordpress-seo (V2.x), Wordpress-seo-yoast (V2.x), Wordpress-slimstat (V5.x), Wordpress-supercache (V2.x), Wordpress-thenewsletterplugin (V8.x), Wordpress-tinymce-advanced (V5.x), Wordpress-twentyeleven (V4.x), Wordpress-twentyten (V4.x), Wordpress-twentythirteen (V4.x), Wordpress-updraftsplus (V1.x), Wordpress-useronline (V2.x), Wordpress-websitez-mobile-detector, Wordpress-woocomerce (V9.x), Wordpress-wordfence (V8.x), Wordpress-wpdatabasebackup (V2.x), Wordpress-wptouch (V4.x), Wordpress-wptouch3 (V4.x), Wordpress-wsyija-newsletter, Xmb (V1.x), Xsboosteroscommerce, Xsboosterxtcommerce, Xtcommerce3 (V6.x), Xtcommerce4 (V6.x), Xtcommerce6 (V6.x), Yabb (V2.x), Yui (V3.x), Yui-min (V3.x), Zencart (V2.x), Zendframework, Zenphoto (V1.x), Zikula (V3.x), Zikula3 (V3.x),